
Frank is a 17U Rangers Mavericks Volleyball athlete. He has been with the Mavericks club and training at The Capital for 3 years. He was recently named on the 17U Grand Prix All-Star team, just before claiming the provincial title with his Ranger teammates in April 2019.
Looking back at his first year at The Capital, Frank says “we worked a lot on the basics in order to build a good foundation.” He has now seen that solid foundation pay off in his physical readiness and performance on the court. “My vertical and power output have both improved!”
“I see a difference from year to year. In 15U we did a lot of banded exercises and learned proper movement patterns, and now we are loading and advancing those movements.”
Frank’s favourite part of training here is the staff and their willingness to help and support the athletes. In three words, Frank describes The Capital as “friendly, professional, and fundamentals”.
“The staff is always here to help you. They are here to push you, but also help you recover and train around injuries if you are hurt.”
As an athlete in the Summer Volleyball Program, Frank found that the program took full advantage of the off-season and challenged him more. “The exercises were harder for me as the program targeted my weaknesses.”

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